
Legacy Deck Black

Legacy Deck Black
17,95 EUR
inkl. 19 % MWST zzgl. Versandkosten
3-4 Tage Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
Gewicht: 0.12 kg
Hersteller: United States Playing Card Compa

Legacy Deck Black

US Einzeldeck, 52 Blatt, Poker Size
  • Qualität von USPCC
  • Ein ganz besonders Kartendeck für alle Poker- bzw. Zauberfreunde
  • 52 Spielkarten + 1 Joker + 1 Gaff Card (Doppelback)

Beschreibung des Herstellers:

Bicycle Legacy Black is a TRUE deck of unique poker cards. With keeping in the tradition of what makes the design great, we have worked with the USPCC to push what makes the rider back great and bring you a new design inspired by the original. A design which keeps the integrity of what we are familiar with, yet something new to add to its LEGACY. This makes LEGACY a great deck for performers of magic and cardistry, while bringing something fresh to your weekend poker games.

DiFattaMagic S.R.L.
Via Prusst 2/4
00030 San Cesareo
Tel.: + (39) 06 95 59 51 34

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